
Changing leadership
for changing times

Our mission is to enable transformative leaders emerge and help them rise to the challenges facing us all.  Navigating this successfully requires a new way of thinking, being and acting.

With diverse expertise, inclusive and future facing, we are highly skilled leadership coaches with senior executive leadership experience and strong strategic acumen, combined with expertise in inclusion and environmental sustainability leadership. 

We build strong, trusting relationships with our clients.  We are easy to work with and pragmatic in balancing personal and commercial priorities alongside tackling the wider societal and systemic challenges.

This is an opportunity to transform our work, our lives and the world we leave to future generations.

Who we work with


Leading Wider Systemic Transformation – social inclusion and environmental sustainability

We play a pro-bono leadership role for the Climate Coaching Alliance (CCA), a global movement of 3500+ coaches committed to enabling acceleration of climate action through the coaching profession and the client systems in which we operate.

We are an associate partner of Leaders’ Quest a social enterprise dedicated to helping organizations explore how to respond to the defining challenges of the 21st Century, by learning from cutting-edge changemakers around the world and unlocking their own potential to innovate and drive change.
We are a collaboration partner of LSP Leadership, a leadership coaching consultancy focused on social and environmental sustainability, and cultivating regenerative leadership, cultures and organisations.
We partner with and provide pro-bono advisory support to Sarsen, an innovation start-up exploring technology, methods and approaches which can enhance levels of presence and consciousness of leaders, and the corresponding leadership

"The AHL Sustainability Leadership Development and Coaching Programme was a truly transformational experience for me – I feel my leadership capacity has grown significantly as a result, and it has definitely emboldened me to raise my leadership ambitions for our organisation, and also for the greater good of society and the planet"

Lucy Kendall, Head of Resourcing, Diversity & Inclusion - Europe, Laing O'Rourke

"AHL’s leadership coaching and development has been an important element of our business transformation journey over the past 4 years. The quality of insight, challenge and support always feels deeply empathetic, grounded in our reality, and informed by strong strategic and business acumen, as well as a wider awareness of the systemic environmental and societal landscape."

Anthony Jones, CEO, PGL

"The AHL leadership coaching and development programme has been pivotal to our ability to build our business since we started to expand our team rapidly over the past 3 years. As we grew, we realised that our leadership team needed support in building their personal leadership capabilities and styles and we understood the imperative to create a culture that is underpinned by authentic values and behaviours that are understood, exemplified and explained by our leaders."

Stuart Cash, CEO, Y TREE


The Unique Leadership opportunity of the Climate and Ecological Emergency

We are all now becoming aware that we (the whole of humanity) are facing a climatic and ecological catastrophe if we do not make significant change in the next few years. How have we unconsciously acquiesced and allowed our environment to be marginalised as an “externality”, treated as just an unfortunate “side effect” of our economic and societal system... and how we can bring it back to the heart of everything?

The Power, and the Power shift, of Diversity – a Leadership Imperative

It seems we are in the midst of a long, gradual dawning of realisation about the profound consequences of social and economic dominance, and privileged advantage. Many of us who have lived our lives with some or all of these advantages have been blind to the impact on those who have not.

The Eco Phase Cycle – Navigating these times of unprecedented leadership challenge.

Wars, cost of living crisis and economic uncertainty, climate change, biodiversity loss: we are facing a “polycrisis” of existential threats from environmental breakdown and resulting social, political and economic dislocation. How do we navigate our way as leaders – and as humans – through these unprecedented times?

What kind of competencies are required for Regenerative Leadership?

As the polycrisis deepens, the complexity of the challenges of our times seems to be increasing at a faster rate than than human evolution – a leadership capacity gap is emerging.