
What kind of competencies are required for Regenerative Leadership?

The problem

As the polycrisis deepens, the complexity of the challenges of our times seems to be increasing at a faster rate than than human evolution – a leadership capacity gap is emerging:

The solution

The bridging of the leadership gap is about developing leaders who are regenerative in all of their being, thinking and acting. Leaders who can accelerate a radical shift of their organisation cultures towards becoming genuinely regenerative

Leadership has always been challenging, and there are many competencies required to lead effectively in any situation – well documented frameworks and models that capture these. But as we step into the biggest challenges ever faced by humankind, there are certain specific leadership competencies and qualities which require elevation and amplification. Below is the “regenerative” or “sustainability” leadership model which we have developed and use in our work with leaders: 

Note: this model is based on our research and experience of working with leaders on this critical question, a synthesis of several of sustainability and regenerative leadership theories, models and frameworks which are currently in use, most notably that of, Coro Strandberg. 

The 5 key competencies of the model are:

  1. Purpose and Values Led – bringing society, humanity and ecology back into the heart of business

  2. Sustainability Literacy – moving up the steep learning curve of the fundamental social and environmental issues and how they can be solved

  3. Innovative Collaboration – engaging beyond conventional stakeholder map to uncover more radical solutions. Co-creating the future and generating breakthrough innovation to advance business and social value

  4. Strategic Systems Thinking – extending strategic analysis beyond conventional boundaries to understand at a holistic systemic level

  5. Values Difference and Inclusion – not just because it is the right thing, but also because it generates greater diversity of thinking, creativity ideas, and competitive advantage

This is an era of change. The quality of our leadership can rise to meet the challenges of our times. How are you shifting your approach to the development of leaders in your organisation? How are you enabling the emergence of transformative leaders required to create a successful regenerative future for your organisation and the world?

At Aim Higher Leadership, we work with Leaders who have an ambitious leadership agenda, who are looking to transform their leadership, their organisation and the wider system, in service to creating a sustainable and regenerative future.

They may be thriving and looking to take their leadership to the next level of influence, or leaders who may be struggling with the overwhelm of everything, trying to balance the imperatives of profit, people and planet, and still find time to enjoy life.

Working at all levels of leadership to create systemic transformation for an inclusive and regenerative future, we stand shoulder to shoulder with you and provide the challenge and support you are looking for 1:1, as a team, as an organisation, and as an eco-system.


The Unique Leadership opportunity of the Climate and Ecological Emergency

We are all now becoming aware that we (the whole of humanity) are facing a climatic and ecological catastrophe if we do not make significant change in the next few years. How have we unconsciously acquiesced and allowed our environment to be marginalised as an “externality”, treated as just an unfortunate “side effect” of our economic and societal system... and how we can bring it back to the heart of everything?

The Power, and the Power shift, of Diversity – a Leadership Imperative

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The Eco Phase Cycle – Navigating these times of unprecedented leadership challenge.

Wars, cost of living crisis and economic uncertainty, climate change, biodiversity loss: we are facing a “polycrisis” of existential threats from environmental breakdown and resulting social, political and economic dislocation. How do we navigate our way as leaders – and as humans – through these unprecedented times?