“We are different so that we can know our need of one another, for no one is ultimately self-sufficient.” Tutu, No Future Without Forgiveness (1999).

"Carroll is a consummate professional who has a deep understanding of Team Coaching, backed up with real life experience within a business context."

Clive Lawrence-Forbes Head of Learning and Talent Development, Data Engineering Company

Carroll Macey

Independent Associate Coach

Carroll Macey has more than 20 years’ experience working with leaders and teams, coaching and developing potential. She is an Executive Coach, Team Coach, a qualified Mindfulness Teacher and an accredited professional dialogue practitioner. With in excess of 3,000 hours of coaching and developing leadership style and effectiveness, her work enables others to enhance their ability to influence, inspire and lead. She has specialised in resilience and behavioural change throughout her career. Her purpose is to enable individuals, teams and organisations to dialogue in ways that enhance thinking, talking and action so that as humans we know connection and belonging and we experience the difference it makes to ourselves, others and the world we live in.

The VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world that we now live in means decisions are more effectively made by people sharing different views, putting aside their self-interests to solve larger problems; as the challenges that confront us in this digital age, with uncertain economic and political outlooks, rising inflation, lingering effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic, higher incidences of mental ill health and eco stress at unsurpassed levels, are complex and becoming increasingly so. Never in our history have there been more massive demographic changes, greater differences in social economic well-being and such alarming environmental and social challenges together with such a lack of confidence in our country and nation leaders. All of this creates a tension at the individual level and stressors that affect our wellbeing, and mental health. We need to have strategies for helping us to see clearly, to make decisions collaboratively and to work in a systemic way that enables us to thrive. Most individuals in organisations are part of a team and teams make up organisations. As a team coach it is possible to make a greater positive impact to the wellbeing of individuals and enable them to achieve more of their potential.

The Philosophy that underpins my executive and team coaching stance is that:

  • Everything is interconnected; keep the whole picture in mind

  • A team is a system with dynamics that can limit or enhance effectiveness.

  • Effectiveness is impacted by a wider system of organisational and environmental factors.

  • Raising awareness through immersive experience, observation and understanding of patterns, individually and collectively as a team will unlock potential.

In order to build inclusive environments, where change for good happens, individuals contribute to the whole, there is more cohesion and less fragmentation, and, as a result, the whole system thrives.


Carroll started her career in the commercial world where she held senior posts and board level positions whilst training in psychotherapy and becoming a coach. Her change in careers led to senior posts in a division of Siemens developing competencies of engineers and executives and roles in leading leadership consultancies. She now works in collaboration with a number of organisations across the globe and during the pandemic she developed a Community of Practice for Team Coaches to support team coaches and now has 1000+ active members.

Carroll is a co-author of The Mindful Approach to Working Life a handbook for managers. Since 2020, she has also been part of the HSJ Award winning COVID-19 response team to the primary healthcare sector, supporting more than 3,500 people by delivering resilience and wellbeing coaching to NHS staff who are experiencing high levels of stress and trauma. Her dual heritage has led to a life-long interest in Diversity and Inclusion, specifically in working towards a recognition and acceptance that the multifaceted human society is one in which we all belong. She holds a voluntary role as Global Inclusion Lead for the Association for Coaching

Building inclusive cultures where everyone has a voice and is heard is central to Carroll’s approach. Life experiences led to her being a psychotherapist, and an Executive Coach and team Coach, and to start a ripple effect in the world where the right to be seen and heard is a given.

Client testimonials
"I have worked with Carroll for the past seven years to align our organisational teams, individual performance and understanding, with our colleagues in India and the UK.  Carroll’s contribution in helping us to develop and shape our team in India was fundamental in enabling a positive change and direction for the team.  The impact of this led to a new and invigorated team with more trust, openness, and collective thinking.  Carroll is a consummate professional who has a deep understanding of Team Coaching, backed up with real life experience within a business context.”

Data Engineering Company Leadership Team Exec level leaders
Clive Lawrence-Forbes Head of Learning and Talent Development

“As I was reflecting last week over the 18 month pandemic period, I have to say the most enjoyable time for me at work was working alongside you both on the Race Listening Events and the 6 months following those events, it changed my outlook on my career ….. Thank You"

Sanjay Kumar Chauhan, OD Lead Civil Service
Race Equality Listening Circles

you have an incredible presence. One that speaks of heft and substance. I love the way you choose your moment to speak. The stage opens up for you and you speak..... slowly, calmly and in a way that is measured, confident and invariably ends up adding value. Very impactful - Love it!"

Robert Shearer Hvarth Consulting

Qualifications / Other Credentials

Carroll has a Bachelor of Science with Business Hons and Diplomas in Hypnotherapy and Counselling; Applied Psychodynamic Approaches; A Post Graduate Qualification in Coaching and Mentoring; A Diploma in Team Coaching Mastery. She has qualifications in Voice Dialoguing; Transactional Analysis; Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP); Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher (MBCT); Mindfulness Teacher in the Workplace; PQ (Positive Intelligence); An accredited professional Dialogue Practitioner; MHFA (Mental Health First Aid); EQA Health Coach. 

She is certified in teamSalient (team effectiveness diagnostic); MBTI; 16PF; SDI (Strengths Deployment Inventory; PRISM (Mapping); 360 tools; ECI (Emotional Competency Inventory); EQI (Barons Emotional Intelligence Quotient) VIA Character Strengths; Goal Mapping (Brain Mayne’s) and is versed in other diagnostics